Brandon Garden Club

The Brandon Garden Club planted two Techny Arborvitae trees in memory of Karen Robison and Marlene Brown by the Community Center at the south end of the west row of trees.
In May we went to some nurseries and greenhouses in the Cedar Rapids area and ate lunch at Perkins. After lunch, we went to the nursery in Palo. Everyone that went was able to find some plants they were looking for. A good time was had by all who went.
We met recently and made plans for our float that we will have for Brandon Day. Our next meeting will be on August 2nd when we will be making our float.
We usually meet on the 4th Monday of the month at Karol Smith’s home beginning at 6:30 p.m. Any new members are always welcome. Contact Karol for further info: 319-329-0101.