Brandon All School Reunion

September 18, 2021, the end of a 100-year amazing era. Each May beginning in 1920 until 1962 the little town of Brandon held a graduation ceremony. The class of 1920 had 3 members, the last class of 1962 there were 16 members. An Alumni association was formed and the Brandon Alumni Annual Banquet was held. The Banquet was a time for all Brandon Alumni to gather to renew, remember, and enjoy.
Sadly the number of attendees has declined, the available funds have dwindled and the man (woman) power is no longer available. On this 100th anniversary of the first graduating class of 1920 we will hold our final banquet. We the Board are planning to make it a special time. We have unearthed lots of old memorabilia to be on display. We are asking anyone having items (pictures or other items) they would like to share, please bring them.
A few years ago we changed the name from the Brandon Alumni Association to the Brandon All School reunion. Anyone that attended Brandon Consolidated School may attend. Please contact your old classmates or others that attended and invite them. Let’s make this year’s event special.
Brandon Area Community Center
Social hour 3p – 5:30p
Dinner 5:30p
$15.00 per person
Dinner will be prepared by the Board Members and volunteers. (The meat will be catered). A final Business meeting will be held following the meal.
Contact Sharon Koopman no later than September 1st to place reservations.
Sharon Koopman
1306 G Ave
Vinton, IA 52349